DEAL FLASH: Den Berk Délice, johtava belgialainen erikoistomaattien viljelijä, on solminut strategisen kumppanuuden Egerian, riippumattoman sijoitu...
Lue artikkeliDEAL FLASH: Den Berk Délice, johtava belgialainen erikoistomaattien viljelijä, on solminut strategisen kumppanuuden Egerian, riippumattoman sijoitu...
Lue artikkeliKVARTAALINEN M&A-TOIMINTA: Vuoden 2024 neljännellä vuosineljänneksellä Oaklins toteutti 90 M&A-transaktiota, joista TMT ja terveydenhuolto olivat j...
Lue artikkeliDEAL FLASH: Lumiforte, maailmanlaajuinen johtaja innovatiivisten älypinnoitteiden kehittämisessä kasvihuoneviljelyyn, urheilukenttien linjamerkintä...
Lue artikkeliKVARTAALIN M&A-TOIMINTA: Kasvupääoman hankinnasta tulevien kumppaneiden löytämiseen Oaklinsin Q3-transaktiot kuvastavat strategista suunnistamista ...
Lue artikkeliKVARTAALIN M&A-TOIMINTA: Vuoden 2024 toinen kvartaali oli aktiivinen ajanjakso Oaklinsille, kun 62 transaktiota saatiin onnistuneesti päätökseen. T...
Lue artikkeliKVARTAALIN M&A-TOIMINTA: Ensimmäinen kvartaali oli dynaaminen, ja useilla toimialoilla nähtiin merkittävää M&A-aktiivisuutta. TMT-sektori erottui e...
Lue artikkeliQUARTERLY M&A ACTIVITY: Oaklins has proven its adaptability and strategic acumen in a challenging market, completing 87 transactions in Q4 and clim...
Lue artikkeliOCTOBER M&A ACTIVITY: 19 transactions across a wide variety of industries closed this month.
Lue artikkeliDEAL FLASH: With the acquisition of Yes Sinergy, Olmix Group accelerates its international growth and becomes a leading provider of bio-sourced sol...
Lue artikkeliQ3 | QUARTERLY INSIGHTS: We understand the complexity of rapid business evolutions and want to help you adapt to them to unlock transformative grow...
Lue artikkeliJULY & AUGUST | M&A ACTIVITY: We successfully executed 38 transactions, of which the majority were sell-side. Notably, over 75% of the transactions...
Lue artikkeliDEAL ACTIVITY | MAY: Amidst challenging market conditions, Oaklins sees M&A as a vital corporate strategy to build resilience and outperform compet...
Lue artikkeliFEBRUARY DEAL ACTIVITY: Our activity followed a similar pace to what we saw in the first month of 2023 with 14 transactions closed, of which 13 wer...
Lue artikkeliJANUARY DEAL ACTIVITY: As we look to build on our 35+-year track record of helping clients navigate complex market conditions, January 2023 saw us ...
Lue artikkeliExplore our recent deals.
Lue artikkeliMONTHLY DEAL ACTIVITY: The ongoing economic turmoil is impacting M&A markets but the appetite for M&A persists with 37 transactions closed in July ...
Lue artikkeliMONTHLY DEAL ACTIVITY: Despite current market conditions, business owners still very much have their sights set on growth and we see M&A play a lea...
Lue artikkeliMONTHLY DEAL ACTIVITY: 2022 has got off to a good start for Oaklins with 36 closed transactions of which 34 were M&A deals and two were fundraising...
Lue artikkeliDEAL FLASH: Oaklins’ team in Canada advised the seller in this transaction. Oaklins’ expertise in the agriculture and horticulture sectors was cruc...
Lue artikkeliGlobal M&A activity is currently at an all-time high as companies turn to M&A to gain access to new technologies or technical capabilities, grow ma...
Lue artikkeliWEBINAR RECORDING: Listen to our panel as they share insights on opportunities and challenges entrepreneurially led firms in Europe, North America,...
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