KVARTAALINEN M&A-TOIMINTA: Vuoden 2024 neljännellä vuosineljänneksellä Oaklins toteutti 90 M&A-transaktiota, joista TMT ja terveydenhuolto olivat j...
Lue artikkeliKVARTAALINEN M&A-TOIMINTA: Vuoden 2024 neljännellä vuosineljänneksellä Oaklins toteutti 90 M&A-transaktiota, joista TMT ja terveydenhuolto olivat j...
Lue artikkeliKVARTAALIN M&A-TOIMINTA: Kasvupääoman hankinnasta tulevien kumppaneiden löytämiseen Oaklinsin Q3-transaktiot kuvastavat strategista suunnistamista ...
Lue artikkeliKVARTAALIN M&A-TOIMINTA: Vuoden 2024 toinen kvartaali oli aktiivinen ajanjakso Oaklinsille, kun 62 transaktiota saatiin onnistuneesti päätökseen. T...
Lue artikkeliKVARTAALIN M&A-TOIMINTA: Ensimmäinen kvartaali oli dynaaminen, ja useilla toimialoilla nähtiin merkittävää M&A-aktiivisuutta. TMT-sektori erottui e...
Lue artikkeliQUARTERLY M&A ACTIVITY: Oaklins has proven its adaptability and strategic acumen in a challenging market, completing 87 transactions in Q4 and clim...
Lue artikkeliOCTOBER M&A ACTIVITY: 19 transactions across a wide variety of industries closed this month.
Lue artikkeliJULY & AUGUST | M&A ACTIVITY: We successfully executed 38 transactions, of which the majority were sell-side. Notably, over 75% of the transactions...
Lue artikkeliDEAL ACTIVITY | MAY: Amidst challenging market conditions, Oaklins sees M&A as a vital corporate strategy to build resilience and outperform compet...
Lue artikkeliDEAL FLASH: Leschaco Group has acquired Grupo Empresarial Coltrans S.A.S., thereby expanding its global network. Oaklins’ coordinated teams helped ...
Lue artikkeliFEBRUARY DEAL ACTIVITY: Our activity followed a similar pace to what we saw in the first month of 2023 with 14 transactions closed, of which 13 wer...
Lue artikkeliDEAL FLASH: The strategic combination of Glen Cameron Group with DHL Supply Chain strengthens DHL’s position in the road freight market, and create...
Lue artikkeliExplore our recent deals.
Lue artikkeliMONTHLY DEAL ACTIVITY: The ongoing economic turmoil is impacting M&A markets but the appetite for M&A persists with 37 transactions closed in July ...
Lue artikkeliDEAL FLASH: The acquisition of Klein Steel Service will enable Alro to continue its growth strategy in northeastern USA, and allow it to expand to ...
Lue artikkeliMONTHLY DEAL ACTIVITY: The M&A surge has softened with dealmaking down in the first quarter due to the geopolitical situation and other headwinds s...
Lue artikkeliDEAL FLASH: Oaklins’ team in Belgium acted as the exclusive M&A advisor to the shareholders of Sitra in the transaction with Creafund, a Belgian pr...
Lue artikkeli2021 ended up being a year with record M&A activity despite many concerns that the COVID-19 pandemic would significantly impact the global M&A mark...
Lue artikkeliDEAL FLASH: Maner Builders Supply Co. (Maner), headquartered in Augusta, GA, has completed two separate but simultaneous transactions. Oaklins’ tea...
Lue artikkeliThe global COVID-19 pandemic has rewritten the dynamics of international supply chains and domestic trade, impacting transportation industries acro...
Lue artikkeliDEAL FLASH: Cad Railway Industries Ltd. (CadRI), a Canadian company that operates in the rolling stock maintenance, repair and operations (MRO) sec...
Lue artikkeliDEAL FLASH: ALC Schools, LLC, a leader in alternative student transportation, and Red Rock Technology, LLC have been acquired by Palladium Equity P...
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