KVARTAALINEN M&A-TOIMINTA: Vuoden 2024 neljännellä vuosineljänneksellä Oaklins toteutti 90 M&A-transaktiota, joista TMT ja terveydenhuolto olivat j...
Lue artikkeliKVARTAALINEN M&A-TOIMINTA: Vuoden 2024 neljännellä vuosineljänneksellä Oaklins toteutti 90 M&A-transaktiota, joista TMT ja terveydenhuolto olivat j...
Lue artikkeliKVARTAALIN M&A-TOIMINTA: Kasvupääoman hankinnasta tulevien kumppaneiden löytämiseen Oaklinsin Q3-transaktiot kuvastavat strategista suunnistamista ...
Lue artikkeliKVARTAALIN M&A-TOIMINTA: Vuoden 2024 toinen kvartaali oli aktiivinen ajanjakso Oaklinsille, kun 62 transaktiota saatiin onnistuneesti päätökseen. T...
Lue artikkeliDEAL FLASH: Trive Capital on ilmoittanut viimeistelleensä Ten Entertainment Groupin (Tenpin) yritysoston ja yksityistämisen. Tenpin on johtava keil...
Lue artikkeliKVARTAALIN M&A-TOIMINTA: Ensimmäinen kvartaali oli dynaaminen, ja useilla toimialoilla nähtiin merkittävää M&A-aktiivisuutta. TMT-sektori erottui e...
Lue artikkeliQUARTERLY M&A ACTIVITY: Oaklins has proven its adaptability and strategic acumen in a challenging market, completing 87 transactions in Q4 and clim...
Lue artikkeliDEAL FLASH: Pental Limited (ASX:PTL) has divested its consumer products business to Selleys, a division of DuluxGroup Australia. Oaklins provided c...
Lue artikkeliDEAL FLASH: KIBO Security Group, a Danish full-service security specialist, has been sold to Garda Sikring/EMK Capital. Oaklins provided expert gui...
Lue artikkeliOCTOBER M&A ACTIVITY: 19 transactions across a wide variety of industries closed this month.
Lue artikkeliQ3 | QUARTERLY INSIGHTS: We understand the complexity of rapid business evolutions and want to help you adapt to them to unlock transformative grow...
Lue artikkeliTRANSAKTIO: Oaklins toimi neuvonantajana Taitonetti Oy:n osakkeenomistajiille yhtiön myynnissä suomalaiselle pääomasijoittajalle, Saari Partnersille
Lue artikkeliDEAL FLASH: Pure Cremation Ltd, the leading provider of pre-paid, trust and insurance-backed funeral plans in the UK, has been sold to Epiris Fund ...
Lue artikkeliJULY & AUGUST | M&A ACTIVITY: We successfully executed 38 transactions, of which the majority were sell-side. Notably, over 75% of the transactions...
Lue artikkeliDEAL FLASH: The shareholders of OL Papéis have sold the company to Bracell, an RGE Group company. One of Oaklins’ teams in Brazil acted as the excl...
Lue artikkeliDEAL ACTIVITY | MAY: Amidst challenging market conditions, Oaklins sees M&A as a vital corporate strategy to build resilience and outperform compet...
Lue artikkeliDEAL FLASH: Transformation Capital, a Netherlands-based growth equity firm, has joined the shareholder base of Kubus Sports. Oaklins’ expertise was...
Lue artikkeliDEAL FLASH: Oaklins’ team in the Netherlands acted as the exclusive M&A sell-side advisor to the shareholders of DierenDokters. This transaction em...
Lue artikkeliFEBRUARY DEAL ACTIVITY: Our activity followed a similar pace to what we saw in the first month of 2023 with 14 transactions closed, of which 13 wer...
Lue artikkeliJANUARY DEAL ACTIVITY: As we look to build on our 35+-year track record of helping clients navigate complex market conditions, January 2023 saw us ...
Lue artikkeliDEAL FLASH: Bio2, a Portuguese petcare wholesaler, has been acquired by Alliando Group. Oaklins’ unwavering support was fundamental for achieving t...
Lue artikkeliDEAL FLASH: The acquisition of SCHRAMM Werkstätten GmbH by Flex Equipos De Descanso, S.A. is an excellent example of a well-considered growth strat...
Lue artikkeliDEAL FLASH: The acquisition of Les 2 Marmottes by Jacobs Douwe Egberts is a turning point in the history of this SME, which has become one of Franc...
Lue artikkeliDEAL FLASH: Lonia Trgovina, the leading retail chain in the smaller, convenience format category, has been acquired by Studenac, the fastest-growin...
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