Home run: AI takes HVAC to a new level
HVAC Spot On
Thanks to the confluence of a range of factors, including climate change concerns, COVID-19 and, in particular, advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT), the heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) industry is enjoying a time of singular change. As we explore in our latest Spot On, increasing interest in energy efficient and smart homes is having a significant knock-on effect on HVAC systems, and the technology is there to support this development. We look at the benefits of using AI in HVAC, including cost savings, reducing energy waster and real-time system monitoring.
We also provide an overview of the valuation of selected leading public companies from the sector, and historical valuation trends in different global regions. In addition, we summarize recent M&A activity, which saw a big jump in transactions during 2021 compared to the previous year.
Artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) have promising applications in HVAC, allowing for enhanced energy efficiency and improved indoor environmental quality. Using IoT to link HVAC systems helps economize costs and monitor performance to detect issues before they become major outages. In this newsletter we explore the growing trend towards smarter and more efficient HVAC systems, and their benefits for manufacturers, contractors and end users.PHILIP BARKER HVAC SPECIALIST, OAKLINS
Finally, our case study showcases the acquisition by Italy-based multinational SIT S.p.A. of Janz – Contagem e Gestão de Fluídos S.A., a Portuguese specialist in residential water meters. While the pandemic meant this cross-border deal had to largely be completed remotely, Oaklins provided support to the buyer throughout the transaction process.
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