AI SPOT ON: Artificiell intelligens fortsätter sin uppgång inom alla affärssektorer, där annonsering och marknadsföring särskilt kommer att påverka...
Läs artikelAI SPOT ON: Artificiell intelligens fortsätter sin uppgång inom alla affärssektorer, där annonsering och marknadsföring särskilt kommer att påverka...
Läs artikelWEBBINARIUMSINSPELNING: Oaklins senaste webbinarium om teknologi, med våra branschexperter och en fullständig kundcase-studie tillsammans med Sound...
Läs artikelEn guide till värdering, hållbarhet, artificiell intelligens och hantering av företagsaffärer.
Läs artikelKVARTALSRAPPORTER: Våra senaste insikter belyser sektorer som blomstrar i den föränderliga affärsvärlden, från mobilitet och jordbruk till europeis...
Läs artikelIoT SPOT ON: I vårt senaste nyhetsbrev tittar vi på viktiga aktuella trender på den dynamiska marknaden för smart mobilitet och parkering, inklusiv...
Läs artikelQUARTERLY INSIGHTS: From diversity in M&A to the power of AI in healthcare, Oaklins provides global insights and webinars to guide leaders through ...
Läs artikelQ3 | QUARTERLY INSIGHTS: We understand the complexity of rapid business evolutions and want to help you adapt to them to unlock transformative grow...
Läs artikelAI SPOT ON: In our latest Spot On, we present key insights presented during the AI-focused webinar, which explored market trends and opportunities.
Läs artikelIoT SPOT ON: We recently hosted a webinar on the transformative power of IoT, moderated by Jan P. Hatje, Oaklins’ specialist in the sector, and wit...
Läs artikelINTERVIEW: In this interview, EQUA CEO and founder Per Sahlin explains what prompted the sale to Glodon, the synergies created by the deal, and the...
Läs artikelIoT SPOT ON: Our IoT expert, Jan P. Hatje, explores current market trends in the sector, the essential role being played by sustainable IoT, and ho...
Läs artikelQUARTERLY HIGHLIGHTS: As we continue to adapt and evolve together, we invite you to explore our Q1 2023 highlights and learn how we can help you na...
Läs artikelINSIGHTS SPOT ON: Oaklins recently hosted a webinar on brandtech, key trends and investment opportunities in the market research and insights secto...
Läs artikelUPDATE ON THE M&A MARKET IN CHINA: Our Shanghai-based principal, Angela Chen, looks at the key influences that will impact both businesses and tran...
Läs artikelQUARTERLY HIGHLIGHTS | Q4 2022: With a new year just started, in our Q4 Quarterly Highlights newsletter we’re reflecting on the challenges and oppo...
Läs artikelWEBINAR RECORDING: we discussed current market dynamics in the sector including M&A priorities and investment opportunities with three expert speak...
Läs artikelSECTOR REPORT: The global robotics M&A market is continuing to show clear signs of recovery following the impact of the pandemic, with increasing u...
Läs artikeleSAAS SPOT ON: Our experts Joni Pitkäranta and John Matthews explore the current status of the SaaS business model, providing a sector overview tha...
Läs artikelIoT SPOT ON: In our latest Spot On, discover the latest market developments in the IoT smart cities market, read about two recent transactions rela...
Läs artikelQUARTERLY HIGHLIGHTS | Q3 2022: As we face ongoing global economic uncertainty, it’s no surprise that M&A activity is slowing. On the positive side...
Läs artikelINTERVIEW: Attempts to predict the future are as old as civilization itself. Discover how companies like Google are using prediction markets to imp...
Läs artikelQUARTERLY HIGHLIGHTS | Q2: Although challenges and risk factors such as global inflation and geopolitics have impacted M&A activity this year, many...
Läs artikelTHRUSTING RETAIL INTO THE FUTURE: In the past two years or so, e-commerce has benefited significantly from the effects of numerous lockdowns and ot...
Läs artikelHVAC SPOT ON: Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning businesses are experiencing a time of unprecedented change as a result of key factors comin...
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