Striving to make life more affordable for all Australians

Deal Flash (MyDeal), one of Australia’s leading online marketplaces for household goods, has completed an initial public offering (IPO).


The IPO was strongly supported by several well-known institutional investors and family offices, with the funds raised being used to accelerate growth of MyDeal’s private label brand, Duke Living, as well as continuing to invest in its technology and advertising in order to grow its brand and customer base.

I worked with the Oaklins team for three years prior to the IPO and sought their advice around M&A opportunities and private raisings. Consequently, they were a natural fit to act as corporate advisor at the IPO. They have always supplied great advice, connections and insight to all aspects of capital markets. The actual IPO had been planned for some time and the team was extremely nimble in changing the parameters to assist us in getting to market not long after COVID-19 hit. I look forward to working with them on the next phase of our journey as a listed company. SEAN SENVIRTNE, FOUNDER & CEO, MYDEAL.COM.AU, AUSTRALIA

Oaklins’ support delivers excellent results

Oaklins’ team in Australia’s extensive public markets experience and capabilities were used to advise MyDeal and, in collaboration with the joint lead managers, ensured a successful IPO process.

Talk to our advisors

Cover chris tait
Chris Tait Melbourne, Australia
Managing Director
View profile
Ryan whitelegg
Ryan Whitelegg Melbourne, Australia
Managing Director
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