DEAL FLASH: OmniMax International, a leading North American manufacturer of roofing accessories and rainware products, has acquired Millennium Meta...
Les artikkelDEAL FLASH: OmniMax International, a leading North American manufacturer of roofing accessories and rainware products, has acquired Millennium Meta...
Les artikkelQUARTERLY M&A ACTIVITY: In 2024's Q4, Oaklins completed 90 M&A transactions, with TMT and Healthcare leading, reflecting innovation and strategic g...
Les artikkelDEAL FLASH: RH Marine and Bakker Sliedrecht have been acquired by VINCI Energies. With this transaction, VINCI Energies will gain market position i...
Les artikkelQUARTERLY M&A ACTIVITY: From securing growth capital to finding future partners, Oaklins' Q3 deals reflect strategic navigation in dynamic industry...
Les artikkelDEAL FLASH: Ardmac is a provider of clean, technical and working environments to the life sciences, data, micro-electronics, electric vehicle (EV) ...
Les artikkelDEAL FLASH: Environmental consultancy Seed Environmental Group joins testing, inspection, certification and compliance group Celnor.
Les artikkelQUARTERLY M&A ACTIVITY: The second quarter of 2024 marked a dynamic period for Oaklins with 62 closed transactions. This activity underscores the a...
Les artikkelDEAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Corteco styrker sin posisjon i det norske markedet med oppkjøpet av Viking Entreprenør, en anerkjent totalentreprenør spesialise...
Les artikkelQUARTERLY M&A ACTIVITY: Q1 saw a dynamic market with significant M&A activity in various industries, with TMT leading with 15 deals. Energy, Real E...
Les artikkelQUARTERLY M&A ACTIVITY: Oaklins has proven its adaptability and strategic acumen in a challenging market, completing 87 transactions in Q4 and clim...
Les artikkelJULYl AND AUGUST M&A ACTIVITY: We successfully concluded 38 transactions, of which the majority were sell-side. Notably, over 75% of the transactio...
Les artikkelDEAL FLASH: NIBE Group, the listed Swedish developer and manufacturer of intelligent and energy-efficient indoor comfort solutions, has acquired Po...
Les artikkelDEAL FLASH: Oaklins acted as the sell-side M&A advisor to Skytec Rentals in this transaction. The team was involved throughout the preparation of t...
Les artikkelMAY DEAL ACTIVITY: Amidst challenging market conditions, Oaklins sees M&A as a vital corporate strategy to build resilience and outperform competit...
Les artikkelFEBRUARY DEAL ACTIVITY: Our activity followed a similar pace to what we saw in the first month of 2023 with 14 transactions closed, of which 13 wer...
Les artikkelDEAL FLASH: The acquisition of Elizabeth Revestimentos by Eliane Revestimentos, a subsidiary of Mohawk Industries, creates the largest ceramic tile...
Les artikkelJANUARY DEAL ACTIVITY: As we look to build on our 35+-year track record of helping clients navigate complex market conditions, January 2023 saw us ...
Les artikkelDEAL FLASH: The largest Croatian manufacturer of solid oak furniture, Spin Valis d.d., has been acquired by Pervanovo Invest AB. Oaklins played a p...
Les artikkelDEAL FLASH: Through the acquisition of FagFlis Group, Norway’s leading B2B specialist in ceramic tiles and related products, STARK Group A/S, secur...
Les artikkelDEAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Gjennom oppkjøpet av FagFlis Gruppen, Norges ledende B2B-spesialist innen keramiske fliser og relaterte produkter, sikrer STARK ...
Les artikkelSUMMER DEAL ACTIVITY: The ongoing economic turmoil is impacting M&A markets but the appetite for M&A persists with 37 transactions closed in July a...
Les artikkelAarsleff Rail har ambisjoner om å utvide sin virksomhet i Norge, og ønsker å bidra med kompetanse og ressurser til at Trym Anlegg skal bli en kompl...
Les artikkelMONTHLY DEAL ACTIVITY: The M&A surge has softened with dealmaking down in the first quarter due to the geopolitical situation and other headwinds s...
Les artikkelDEAL FLASH: Oaklins’ team in France supported Montagrues in this competitive transaction. The team presented additional opportunities to Montagrues...
Les artikkel