KVARTAALINEN M&A-TOIMINTA: Vuoden 2024 neljännellä vuosineljänneksellä Oaklins toteutti 90 M&A-transaktiota, joista TMT ja terveydenhuolto olivat j...
Lue artikkeliKVARTAALINEN M&A-TOIMINTA: Vuoden 2024 neljännellä vuosineljänneksellä Oaklins toteutti 90 M&A-transaktiota, joista TMT ja terveydenhuolto olivat j...
Lue artikkeliDEAL FLASH: PanTera, belgialainen radioisotooppien valmistaja, on onnistuneesti kerännyt ylimerkatun 104,1 miljoonan Yhdysvaltain dollarin (93 milj...
Lue artikkeliKVARTAALIN M&A-TOIMINTA: Kasvupääoman hankinnasta tulevien kumppaneiden löytämiseen Oaklinsin Q3-transaktiot kuvastavat strategista suunnistamista ...
Lue artikkeliKVARTAALIN M&A-TOIMINTA: Vuoden 2024 toinen kvartaali oli aktiivinen ajanjakso Oaklinsille, kun 62 transaktiota saatiin onnistuneesti päätökseen. T...
Lue artikkeliKVARTAALIN M&A-TOIMINTA: Ensimmäinen kvartaali oli dynaaminen, ja useilla toimialoilla nähtiin merkittävää M&A-aktiivisuutta. TMT-sektori erottui e...
Lue artikkeliQUARTERLY M&A ACTIVITY: Oaklins has proven its adaptability and strategic acumen in a challenging market, completing 87 transactions in Q4 and clim...
Lue artikkeliQ3 | QUARTERLY INSIGHTS: We understand the complexity of rapid business evolutions and want to help you adapt to them to unlock transformative grow...
Lue artikkeliJULY & AUGUST | M&A ACTIVITY: We successfully executed 38 transactions, of which the majority were sell-side. Notably, over 75% of the transactions...
Lue artikkeliDEAL ACTIVITY | MAY: Amidst challenging market conditions, Oaklins sees M&A as a vital corporate strategy to build resilience and outperform compet...
Lue artikkeliDEAL FLASH: Oaklins’ team in the Netherlands acted as the exclusive M&A sell-side advisor to the shareholders of DierenDokters. This transaction em...
Lue artikkeliFEBRUARY DEAL ACTIVITY: Our activity followed a similar pace to what we saw in the first month of 2023 with 14 transactions closed, of which 13 wer...
Lue artikkeliJANUARY DEAL ACTIVITY: As we look to build on our 35+-year track record of helping clients navigate complex market conditions, January 2023 saw us ...
Lue artikkeliDEAL FLASH: The acquisition of MBI Healthcare Technologies by DNV AS demonstrates Oaklins’ ability to advise on complex international transactions ...
Lue artikkeliExplore our recent deals.
Lue artikkeliMONTHLY DEAL ACTIVITY: The ongoing economic turmoil is impacting M&A markets but the appetite for M&A persists with 37 transactions closed in July ...
Lue artikkeliDEAL FLASH: The acquisition of Silverlink PCS Software Limited provides Alcidion Group Limited with a PAS capability, which is the foundational dat...
Lue artikkeliMONTHLY DEAL ACTIVITY: 2022 has got off to a good start for Oaklins with 36 closed transactions of which 34 were M&A deals and two were fundraising...
Lue artikkeliGlobal M&A activity is currently at an all-time high as companies turn to M&A to gain access to new technologies or technical capabilities, grow ma...
Lue artikkeliDEAL FLASH: Ace Pharmaceuticals (Ace) has been acquired by a consortium of Gilde Buy Out Partners, Gilde Healthcare, Quadrum Capital and Ace’s mana...
Lue artikkeliTo gain resilience in times of change and transition, one of the most important things is to surround ourselves with knowledgeable and supportive p...
Lue artikkeliDEAL FLASH: Oaklins’ team in Lithuania acted as the sole sell-side financial advisor to CGP Management in the sale of MediCA klinika and Kardiolita...
Lue artikkeliDEAL FLASH: Millbrook Healthcare, a leading provider of healthcare-related services, has been acquired by Cairngorm Capital, a specialist private i...
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